As Seen on FORC, Beanie is Dead, Boiledmilkz, NGTV, Visia and Chroma, FAITH, Talida and Brand, Dreamcatcher, NRNR, KazukiToons, Dr. Good
Age 17, Male, not Trans
Competent Voice Acto
A high school
Joined on 12/4/21
Diamondmanpixel76 2025-02-04 18:39:39
i don't know, i've never experienced the feeling. to be honest, i've been thinking about getting a PS5 mainly for watching DVDs
AlexToolStudio 2025-02-04 18:39:39 (Updated 2025-02-04 18:47:35)
Why not jus get t a used DVD Player
TawoJ 2025-02-04 22:30:42
idk im a xbox gamer
Simoes1000 2025-02-05 02:04:55
I got an emulator for ps1 games.
i don't know, i've never experienced the feeling. to be honest, i've been thinking about getting a PS5 mainly for watching DVDs
AlexToolStudio (Updated )
Why not jus get t a used DVD Player