@AlexToolStudio -@Dungeonation
Q: Why did you help me when I was trying to figure out NG?
A: That’s how we do it around here!
Q: What is a randy?
A: A digitized being that could be considered undead. The majority require to feast on and/or turn the living for survival.
Q: Who are the best friends you had on NG?
A: Megacharlie, CaptainStevie, CheddarExuberant, the Strobe Interactive team, AlixBalica, Memorizor, and bagofmeat! Though that’s obviously not all my NG friends.
Q: Do you work at NG HQ?
A: No but you don’t need to work there to make a positive impact on the site! I do think about some day learning to contribute site features and code sometimes, though.
Q: What was your favorite part about Pico VS Bear DX?
A: Giving a home to the full quality Bear voice lines courtesy of Tom, including an unused line that hadn’t seen the light of day until then!
Q: any words about the New users on here?
A: There’s no one correct way to use the site, and don’t be afraid to ask about things!
Q: What did you do back on Scratch?
A: Got my start programming for one! Stuck with it for way too long, for two. But I still have a soft spot for it, it was incredibly formative for me to start using it, and for what it is it can still do some cool things especially with unofficial add-ons and tools!